Thursday 29 May 2008

Whistling in the Dark

During my "Depressed" period (a bit like Picasso's Blue period - but darker!) I often wondered about the whole blogging community. Why would someone want to write things - mostly about themselves on a world wide media platform ? Are we all self-obsessed ? Any one seen Echo about recently ?? Unable to figure it out I could not summon up the energy ? Possibly could not think of anything to write about - lost all sense of self worth - dunno - but perhaps did not wish to share it with the world - Albeit with an inflated belief that someone out there WOULD read it ! As I gradually get back into blogging - I now believe it's a bit like whistling in the dark - keeping one's spirits up - Hoping that someone will pick it up and comment - I remember it took several months of "pecking away" before anyone picked up my mad musings - Lots of help from Scary Duck - He even e mailed me in person no less ! So I shall continue to whistle in the dark and keep "Up Spirits" ("Stand fast the Holy Ghost" - for those Ancient Mariners)

1 comment:

#Debi said...

Hey, Mog, just to let you know--I added you to my blogroll. You do have at least this one reader back again...

wv: oeirnk--what a Cockney pig says...